Nr | Keyword | Zugeordnete FS |
1 | 21st Century Skills | 14 |
2 | 3-E-Modell | 5 |
3 | 3D-Druck | 5 |
4 | Active Learning (AL) | 4 |
5 | algorithmisches Denken | 1 |
6 | Alternierende Präsenz Onlinephasen | 3 |
7 | Arbeiten in der Cloud | 4 |
8 | asynchrones Lernen | 4 |
9 | Augmented Reality | 6 |
10 | Automatisiertes Lehrsystem | 3 |
11 | Avatarbasierte Lehre | 6 |
12 | Badge-System | 2 |
13 | Berner Modell | 2 |
14 | blended assessments | 3 |
15 | Calgary-Cambridge-Guide | 4 |
16 | Change Agents | 8 |
17 | community of practice | 12 |
18 | Constructive Alignment | 2 |
19 | Cybersicherheit | 11 |
20 | DaLI Kompetenzrahmen | 5 |
21 | Data Science Kompetenz | 7 |
22 | Datenanalyse mit Tools | 5 |
23 | Datenkompetenz | 5 |
24 | Datenmigration | 2 |
25 | Datenorganisation | 2 |
26 | Datenstrukturierung | 2 |
27 | Decoding the Disciplines | 1 |
28 | Deep interactive leaming | 3 |
29 | Design Thinking Ansatz | 6 |
30 | DigComp Framework | 12 |
31 | DigCompEdu-Framework | 10 |
32 | Digital Citizenship Skills | 7 |
33 | Digital Humanities | 10 |
34 | Digitale Mündigkeit | 10 |
35 | Digitalisierungsportfolio | 8 |
36 | Drei Tetrader Modell | 2 |
37 | E-Assessment | 3 |
38 | E-Education | 7 |
39 | E-Learning | 6 |
40 | E-Learning Community | 7 |
41 | E-Portfolio | 5 |
42 | E-Publishing | 3 |
43 | E-Tutor | 5 |
44 | E-Tutorials | 4 |
45 | eKlausuren (vor Ort) | 2 |
46 | emerging knowledge | 3 |
47 | erfahrungsbasiertes Lernen | 6 |
48 | Ethik | 4 |
49 | Fern-Studiengang | 6 |
50 | Flex Classroom | 3 |
51 | Flipped-Lab | 3 |
52 | Foren | 7 |
53 | forensische Bildanalyse | 4 |
54 | Forschendes Lernen | 10 |
55 | Future Skills | 21 |
56 | Game-Based Learning | 5 |
57 | Gamification | 6 |
58 | Global-to-Detail Approach | 2 |
59 | gute wissenschaftliche Praxis (GWP) | 3 |
60 | Higher Thinking Skills | 4 |
61 | Hybrid Thinking | 6 |
62 | IDEA instructions | 6 |
63 | Immersive Lernagentur | 6 |
64 | Individualisiertes Lernen | 2 |
65 | Interaktive Elemente | 2 |
66 | interaktive/kollaborative Whiteboards | 7 |
67 | Interleaved Learning | 1 |
68 | Inverted Classroom | 3 |
69 | Inverted Classroom Mastery Modell | 9 |
70 | Inverted Flipped Classroom | 3 |
71 | Jupyter Notebook | 10 |
72 | Just-in-Time-Teaching | 3 |
73 | KMK Strategie | 12 |
74 | kollaboratives Lernen | 8 |
75 | Kollaboratives online Arbeiten | 5 |
76 | kompetitives Lernen | 2 |
77 | Kompetitives Lernen | 4 |
78 | konzeptionelles Lernen | 1 |
79 | Learners-as-Designers | 5 |
80 | Lebenslanges Lernen | 9 |
81 | Legal Tech | 6 |
82 | Lernknoten | 2 |
83 | Lower Thinking Skills | 2 |
84 | Maschinelles Lernen | 5 |
85 | MathWeb | 3 |
86 | MATLAB | 3 |
87 | Meta Learning | 8 |
88 | Microlearning | 3 |
89 | Mobiles Lernen | 4 |
90 | MOOC | 4 |
91 | multimedialen web-based Trainings | 3 |
92 | Natural Language Processing (NLP) | 4 |
93 | Online-Aufgabenplattform WeBWorK | 3 |
94 | parametrierbare Aufgaben | 2 |
95 | Peer lnstruction | 3 |
96 | Podcast | 3 |
97 | Problem Based Learning | 6 |
98 | Programmieren | 9 |
99 | Projektorientierte Lehre | 4 |
100 | Prüfungen im "Objective Structured Clinica/ Examination" (OSCE)- Format | 1 |
101 | REMOTE-Lab-Lecture | 3 |
102 | Retrieval Learning | 1 |
103 | Scribble-Stil | 3 |
104 | Seamless Learning | 3 |
105 | Self Determination Theory | 2 |
106 | Self-Assessment | 4 |
107 | Serendipity-Prinzip | 5 |
108 | Serious Games | 6 |
109 | Simulation Based Learning | 3 |
110 | Situiertes Lernen | 3 |
111 | Social Learning | 8 |
112 | softwaregestützte Lernmanagement | 3 |
113 | Spaced Learning | 1 |
114 | STACK | 3 |
115 | Strukturlegetechnik | 3 |
116 | Synchrones Online Lernen | 4 |
117 | t-shaped professional | 9 |
118 | Task-based Language Learning | 1 |
119 | Teaching Analysis | 2 |
120 | Termbase | 3 |
121 | test-enhanced learning | 3 |
122 | Threshold Management | 6 |
123 | TPACK Modell | 6 |
124 | TPCK-Modell | 7 |
125 | Vier-Komponenten Instruktionsdesign Modell (4C-IDModell) | 1 |
126 | Virtual Reality | 6 |
127 | Virtuelle Maschinen | 3 |
128 | virtuelle Mobilität | 3 |
129 | Virtuelle Praktikum | 7 |
130 | Virtueller Lernraum | 3 |
131 | VUCA | 9 |
132 | Wiki | 7 |
133 | wissenschaftliches Publizieren | 4 |
134 | „trial-and-error“ Prinzip | 1 |